We are excited to see you are interested in registering as a Scout. We cannot wait for you to join our group and the global Scout movement!
Registration is processed through the National Scouts Canada website. You can start the process by visiting http://www.scouts.ca/join
When you get to step Two: “Select Group”, make sure to look for 1st Milton Scouts as there are multiple Scout Groups in the area. Select the section (Beavers / Cubs) appropriate for your child’s age and your preferred meeting day (we offer Monday or Tuesday meetings).
Once we get notified of your completed registration we will reach out to you to welcome you to our group and more information about your upcoming meetings.
Please note: due to capacity restraints some sections have a waitlist. When the section is full you will have the opportunity to join the waitlist.
However; if you register as an Adult Volunteer Scouter, your child will by-pass the waitlist as you will help us expand our capacity.
Please reach out if you want to know more: contact@1stmiltonscouts.ca
Registration Timelines:
To protect the registration system, reduce wait times, and provide an improved experience for parents and volunteers, Scouts Canada has staggered the peak new member registration period to reduce the load on the system.